

We offer financing of heavy gas turbines reciprocating engines for electric power generation and cogeneration systems to electric power customers, from 1 to 500 megawatts. We can facilitate the financing of equipment or the entire turnkey project, including the soft costs of engineering and installation. We facilitate construction and term financing, equipment loans, leases, syndicated facilities, and project financing.

Our creative and flexible approach to devising and recommending creative financing options provides a competitive advantage when dealing with complex transactions. Moreover, it provides a greater ability to analyze and mitigate risk for our clients. We offers extensive industry-specific experience in assembling and leading requisite teams of bankers, lawyers, accountants and other energy professionals necessary to manage and close equipment and project related transactions.

FPW has consistently stood at the forefront of the domestic project finance markets and offers World and EXIM Bank financing assistance for clients in every geopolitical corner of the world. We have consistently represented borrowers, commercial banks, insurance companies, investment and merchant banking firms, export credit agencies and multilateral institutional investors and other financing institutions, corporate lenders and venture capital investors in a large number of major domestic and international energy project financings.


We focuses on domestic and international project finance investment and development transactions designed to enhance our clients’ ability to focus on energy-related asset acquisition, construction, engineering and other infrastructure facilities around the globe.

  • Combined Heating and Power (CHP)
  • Prime Power
  • Standby Power
  • Renewable Energy – Landfills, Biomass and Digesters


It is our primary mission is to provide a viable source for alternative financing options for the acquisition of power generation equipment, as well as the funding of projects utilizing a wide variety of creative non-recourse financing instruments, including traditional bank loans, subordinated secured and unsecured debt, institutional private placements, leveraged leases, tax-exempt bonds and equity placements.

In addition, FID POINT works diligently on behalf of its clients with global financial markets, their sponsors and lenders to create and facilitate financing structures tailored for the particular needs of asset acquisition, in addition to new and expanding power projects.


Work with the team that understands your business, your industry, and how to put capital to work.

Any size or shape. In any regulatory environment. When you need power and help financing credit worthy projects or the equipment, FID POINT and its partners are equal to the challenge. Our services are client centered and your success is our first objective.

  • FID POINT charges no upfront fees
  • No accrued interest until project is completed
  • No principal payments due until project is completed
  • We guarantees the most flexible financing rates and options available
  • Optional equity ownership by lenders
  • We can accommodate large funding projects of any dollar value
  • Single source financing and leasing
  • Flexible payment terms
  • No hidden application, processing, or disbursement fees
  • Up to 100% Financing
  • Financing From US $500,000
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